Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Swim Class

Jeff and I had our first swim class at the Y this morning. Let me just say that my boy is a speciman built for water, basically becuase he's so round and bouyant! I'll have to figure out how to put pictures up here for ya'll to see, but I'm not quite there yet. Anyway, he did pretty good in the water, despite the screaming four year in the corner whom obviously had no business being there. His favorite part was jumping in and out of the water, but he didn't dig floating on his back very much. Trying to dry him off and get some clothes on him was hilarious. Those who know my sweet boy know that he would prefer to boycott clothes all together. Anyway, I stripped him and dried him off and then was forced to chase a necked baby around while he tried to get back in the pool, maybe I'm wrong here but 13 months seems a little young to skinny dip in front of mixed company:)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lake Ella

Jeff decided to start our day at 6 a.m. again, COFFEE PLEASE!!! It wasn't that bad, at least he was in a good mood. We headed out to Lake Ella with the wagon, of course. God forbid I actually put him in a stroller:) His lovely Aunt Sissy met us there and we walked around and played in the grass. He liked watching the ducks, but since he didn't have a snack they weren't interested in him. He was so tired, bless his heart, but we took him to Wendy's for some ever-delicious chicken nuggets. Since that is the only thing he'll eat right now besides eggos we didn't have much choice. He almost fell asleep at the table several times, but managed to hammer down all of his nuggets first! He passed out in the car and is resting now, which is why I can actually blog;) Later!